
The Cutest Baby!

Why Watching Too Much Television Is Bad For You.

Ain't No Sign Gonna Stop Me!

Recycling: You're already doing it!

Save The Future: Recycle!

Monday Blues? Fight It!!

Sleeping In Class!

Superheroes?!... NOT!

You Are What You Are From Your Point Of View.

When Bros Talk About Twilight..

Zombie Apocalpyse Iz Comming!

Love/EMO Series Posts #8: But The Reality Is..

Love/EMO Series Posts #7: Hoping..

Love/EMO Series Posts #6: Doing It..

Love/EMO Series Posts #5: The Missing Piece..

Love/EMO Series Posts #4: Nothing Else Matters..

Love/EMO Series Posts #3: When You Smile..

Love/EMO Series Posts #2: Falling In Love..

Love/EMO Series Posts #1: My Love For Her..

How Many Colours In A Rainbow?

When Cats Goes Out On A Date.

Senjakala?! What The Fu...

The Truest Of Hardcore Gamer

2010 The Year Of The Tiger.

Elly Tran Ha Causes Me To Nosebleed!

Something Is So Definitely Wrong With This Picture.

Uninspired Day 2. Nom.. Nom.. Nom.. Nom..

So Tired, Uninspired & Bored!

Lady GaGa Iz A Horribly Entertaining Freak!

The New Proton Saga SE. Part 2.

Yesterday Was A Palindrome Date!

My 2009 In Review.