Last Saturday my cousins and i went to the Media Prima Jom Heboh! Seriously, i don't think there's anything much there except for two things.
Firstly there's the Teratak Anak Pontianak, which was rubbish but should be applauded for trying to make it. It was just a silly scare walk, it's nice place to tag your girlfriend along so that she would cling to you for "her dear life". Unfortunately i don't have one, which is sad, so the walk was on the upmost boring and pointless. There three pontianak hiding somewhere inside ready to pounce and scare you, hoping that somehow someone would wet their pants..haha.. That was highly unlikely that is.
If the organiser were again to make that kind of House Of Horror/Spooks or whatever you want to call it, it better be in HELL'S name SCARY!! Perhaps the place should be design/made like a real cemetary/haunted houses/abandon building with plenty of places for the GHOULIEs/GHOSTs/KUNTILANAKs/LANGSUIRs to hide and SUDDENLY JUMP on you and SCARE THE BLOODY SHIT out of you. Now that's worth even RM10. i do hope that next year that ride/attraction would be better and maybe by then i've got myself a girlfriend to cling onto me for her dear life..haha..
Secondly was the simple yet best gig i've seen to date. i think it's around 5-6pm at the Hotlink Booth, and Gerhana Ska Cinta was playing. Boy, i enjoy their gig every minute of it. With the SKA kids all crowding, singing and jumping to every song that the band sings, the small and simple gig/show/perfomance was absolubely LIVELY and ROCKING! Congratulations to Gerhana Ska Cinta for giving their best and to all the sweaty, jumpy, lively and supportive kids that sang all the songs made that evening a fun event to watch and enjoy. By the last song, Gerhana Ska Cinta didn't have to sing, all the crowd of kids were singing all the way from the beginning of the song up until the end. Wow! Even the band said MIRI ROCK!! WUHU!! i do hope that they'll come again to Miri and played a gig/concert here, so that i can pretend that i'm a school kid again and joinning the fun with all jumping, singing and what not.
Well other than that Jom Heboh was ok, hope that next year the both things i have mention would be better.