Living in 21stCentury...would meant:

1. Our communication - Wireless
2. Our dress - Topless
3. Our telephone - Cordless
4. Our cooking - Fireless
5. Our youth - Jobless
6. Our food - Fatless
7. Our labour - Effortless
8. Our conduct - Worthless
9. Our relation - Loveless
10. Our attitude - Careless
11. Our feelings - Heartless
12. Our politics - Shameless
13. Our education - Valueless
14. Our follies - Countless
15. Our arguments - Baseless
16. Our boss - Brainless (wink* wink*)
17. Our Job - Thankless
18. Our Salary - VERY LESS
How many of you who agrees with me with the last one, please..please stand up!
p/s: pic taken from:, an amazing photo blog by Damien Debin. Check it out.